Technology Resolutions

Update: I'm adding this to to Sent From My iPad's "Must Have Apps" as a part of her technology linky. Scroll down I talk about several of my favs, and I thought I'd just double up this post rather than talk about the same ones multiple times.  I'm excited to see what others are sharing, if you have a favorite app or have another topic throughout the week you want to contribute to, link up!

I cannot believe how fast this year has truly flown! I'm linking up with Growing Kinders for a little fun and hopefully some accountability in keeping this years resolutions.

First.. a little look at how I  incorporate technology in my classroom.

I love that my school is 1-1 iPad, as such, most of what I will show you incorporates this technology.

My favorite app: Educreations

 Some of you may know that I serve at two different schools. I primarily work with 5th graders, as the 5th grade interrelated teacher, but I'm also a K-4 special education teacher at a rural school. Both places are great to work at, but it's hard to be in two places at once. Enter Educreations.

This app enables me to explain a concept, review a topic, or show the students something new. It is a screen and voice recorder. On my maiden voyage with it, I had my pullout math students into two groups: one working on decimal place value the other with money. {Both students were working with a topic that involved decimals on their own level of understanding... differentiation.} Student popped their ear buds in, and listened as I explained concepts, pausing to work out problems on their whiteboards {and so I could make sure they were following along as well as give me a chance to help students who were struggling.} To learn more about this click here or click the picture to set up an account and get started.

 In classrooms that I co-teach in, Strip Designer has been used to create comic strips for evaluation, such as creating a comic strip to show what happened during a novel that was read. It's a quick tool that students enjoy, and has many applications for writing.

 Story Kit is an app that lets you write your own book or story. It has features to add pictures, text, sound, or drawings via a paint function. When we used this, students were given a couple of minutes to draw a specific character from Because of Winn Dixie. Then, students were given a few minutes to type out character traits to surround their illustration. This process was continued for the rest of the main characters.

Tools4Students has lots of templates for various graphic organizers and maps. Students can choose one that suits them (or that they are directed to) and type the information in. Typed information is saved automatically. 
 Notability is a note taking app that allows you to "write", type, or record on the go. You can create folders and folders within folders to stay organized. For example, in our Written Language class we have the name of the class as the main folder, then housed under that places for vocabulary, notes, and a journal.

Fun & Education

When students have free time or the option to choose an educational app these two apps are picked often.

Stack the states asks all sorts of questions {capitals, landmarks, symbols} as you get the answers correct, the states begin to stack up. Once you pile the states to the given line you win. {There is a free version, but the questions are very limited. After a week on the free one your students will probably need the full version or they will have the same 10 things memorized very well.}

 Cash Cow is a fun, arcade like game. Students swipe coins with the goal to make a dollar. You can combine coins to make bigger denominations (i.e. pennies into nickels/dimes, nickels into dimes or quarters, etc.) There are several different mods, lots of color and sound. Just a fun app.

Now for the resolutions...

Professional: Learn how to create my own items to use in the classroom. I love blog stalking, TPT, and Pinterest for finding all sorts of neat stuff (and freebies) to use in my room, but I want to start giving back and making things that not only benefit me, but hopefully some of you as well. Who knows maybe someday I'll be brave and create my own things for TPT. That is yet to be seen.

Personal: Master my DSLR!! I love to captures moments. I even started a blog about our newlywed life, captured in pictures to share with friends and family, but... I still shoot mostly in auto. This year will be the year to learn to shoot in manual.

What are your techno inspired resolutions? Be sure to link up and share.. and if you have any super iPad apps that you love to use in your classroom please share!


  1. Awesome finds! We are big fans of educreations too!

    Learn With Leah

    1. I love that the students don't have to have an email to set things up. I created their usernames and passwords so everything was the same and it's worked out pretty well. Our school also uses My Big Campus, and there is a way through that platform to have the students upload their educreations to share (or at least that's what the iPad guru's of the building have shared with me.) Pretty exciting technology!

  2. Thanks for sharing. They are all new to me except educreation. I downloaded it but haven't played with it. It sounds like I need to!

    Surfing to Success


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