Resolutions: Professional Growth

I'm linking up once again to share this years resolutions.. today's topic: professional growth.

I've been a full-fledged teacher for all of five months, and boy, there has been a huge learning curve. I finally feel like I'm not constantly being overwhelmed, it just comes in short bursts from time to time {for which I am truly grateful, and I'm sure, my wonderful and understanding hubby is too!}

As far professional goals... hmm there are a few.

  1. Get more organized. My world is full of paper-- whether it be IEPs or trying to get ahead on lesson plans (keyword trying) there is a lot of paper in my day-to-day life, I need to overhaul my current system of organization. To learn other organizing goals check out this post.
  2. To incorporate more technology. My school is 1-1 iPad, but I don't utilize this amazing tool nearly enough in the class I teach. An ongoing goal, but I'm making progress in incorporating the iPad more, see here.
  3. Learn how to incorporate more TEAACH methods in my classroom. Looking towards the future I may need to make my classroom more structured and I like what I've seen from this method. 
  4. Survive my first year. I think this is one goal I can accomplish, but I really want to end the year on a good note, see students succeed, live through state testing, and just really get into a groove.
What goals do you have professionally for 2013?  Be sure to link up with One Extra Degree

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