Surviving Spring & Welcome to Summer Blog Hop & Freebie!

We are in the final countdown of the school year {19.5 days, not that I'm counting...}

It's also that time of the year when it starts getting crazy. Schedule changes = crazy kids. Crazy kiddos on top of altered schedules = crazy teacher. This past week was full: a home room day, music practice/ spring program, water festival field trip, and an arbor day presentation. By the end of the week I had several students asking when things would go back to normal; I couldn't have agreed with them more! Although we had a fun week, it was exhausting.

Spring fever has most definitely hit my classroom. After talking to several of my BBBs, it seems to be a rampant fever that has spread across the country. We've come together to share a few survival tips, freebies, and giveaways (TPT Gift Certificates or a Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener) along the way to help us all survive until the end of the school year!

Now, I know that food isn't always allowed in schools as a reward. We don't have those restrictions yet... so I'm going to hold an ice cream day for one of my classes. This group was a struggling group at the beginning of the year and have come so far. I want to be able to reward this group while throwing in some review too. {If your school doesn't allow food, maybe your students would still enjoy some summery treat fun in activities you use.}

I created a pack of math and ELA centers with an ice cream theme. If you use an ABC countdown to the end of the school year, this pack could be utilized on an "I is for ice cream day" too. Activities include: Scoops of Synonyms, Dishin' Up Decimals, Equivalent Fraction Sundaes, Parts of Speech Push-Ups, Sentence Shake Up, and Colorful Cones Place Value Scoot.

You can check out the full pack by clicking here or on the pictures below.

The freebie I'm sharing with you comes from this pack. It's a decimal game that can be played with partners or small groups to work with decimals. Students are asked to round or distinguish between odd or even numbers in a certain place value. I hope that you can use this game in your math centers this spring!

After entering my code below in the Rafflecopter, be sure to visit Michele to continue the blog hop!

Also, be sure to catch more motivating ideas and link up your own at Joanne's Student Motivation Saturdays linky! Just a few more weeks friends and sweet summer time will be here... we can make it!


  1. We have super tight restrictions about food, but I still like to torment them with food themed lessons:). Super cute game!

  2. Thank you for this great decimals game. Love the ice cream theme. My students will really love this. : )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. We are just beginning decimals and this game is going to fit perfectly! Thank you so much!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thank you. I am working on some individualized lesson buckets for each one of my kiddos! One of them said that they wanted to work on decimals.

    This is perfect! Thank you!

    Lessons With Coffee

  5. Ice Cream will always make decimals easier and fun! I can't wait to use this with my students. Thanks for participating in this giveaway!


  6. Awesome Christy! Anything with a theme definitely makes kids more motivated to do their work! Your new product looks great! Thanks for linking up BBB!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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