2 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication

I can't believe that Thanksgiving has already come and gone, it's crazy how time flies when your having fun! This month we have been working hard on multiplication. Our goal is to master the basic multiplication facts 0-10 by Christmas break so we can have a pizza party to celebrate before the holiday season. Students are working hard and progress is being seen.

As we've begun to cover and solidify more facts, we are starting to expand to 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication. Math Coach's Corner is one of my favorite blogs. She is great at moving students from concrete to representational, and finally, abstract understanding of math. I purchased her unit on 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication, it was so detailed, and the student's really seemed to "get it."

Click the picture to learn more and purchase the unit from TPT if you would like!

Along the way, students have been shown different strategies to solve multiplication problems. About half of my students use the standard algorithm, the other half prefer the latis method. All students were given opportunities to learn both of these methods as well as partial products, and as long as they show their work and understand why they are doing what they are doing, I'm perfectly okay with them choosing the method that works best for them.

Foldables, Catching Up

Since I'm not the best at updating... here is a catch up on some of things we've been doing in my math class over the past few weeks.


I enjoy transformations. Maybe it stems from the time playing Simon Says with the kiddos during student teaching using different transformations and clockwise/counter clockwise to help dictate which ways the students should go. {My students this year got into the Simon Says action as well.}

This go around we also created a foldable. I love foldables. My social studies method's teacher from Kansas State would be proud. I saw a pin on Pinterest and decided to replicate it. (On upon writing this up, I'm thinking I should have clicked on it, she made a pretty cool printable, check it out!)

The front gives a simple definition of what a transformation is. 

The first flap shows what a translation is. Using the paperclip students could translate or slide the hexagon. 

The middle shows a rotation. The brad is a great way for students to rotate/turn the shape themselves. 

The last flap is for a reflection. With a piece of tape half on the trapezoid and half on the foldable, students were able to reflect or flip their shape. 

A simple, hands on foldable to help solidify information. 


We did a foldable similar to one floating around. Seen here.

We also did a quick drawing of Mr. G. I like the visual of the full body Mr. Gallon, but with my kiddos, I want them to have a resource that they can quickly draw on the side of their paper if need be during a test. 

Measurement- Yards

Ms. Y-- aka Ms. Yard she made an appearance during our measurement unit. I taped her up to the board to remind students that their are 3 feet in 1 yard. We talked about how many inches were in 1 foot. Another quick, simple, drawying they can make or think of when the see a problem involving yards.

Measurement Unit

I got the idea for this from Math Coach's Corner, to see the original click here. There is so much that encompasses measurement. Having one big anchor chart to reflect on and go back to throughout the unit was great. Daily the students through discussion and exploration had topics to add to it.